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  • BookMaker.eu The 1968 presidential election remains the historic Gold Standard for volatility, drama, violence, and tragedy. Plagued by the Vietnam War, incumbent Lyndon Johnson renounced his candidacy after peace candidate Eugene McCarthy exposed the president’s vulnerability in the New Hampshire Democrat Primary. Subsequently, Robert F Kennedy, brother of the late President John F Kennedy, jumped into the Democrat race, only to be assassinated after winning the California primary. Only two months before, Civil Rights icon Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Last Saturday, the United States presidential election was nearly changed tragically and dramatically when Donald Trump barely escaped death from an assassination attempt. Had Trump not turned his head to read a chart during a speech in rural Pennsylvania, the bullet that ripped through his ear would have killed him, much like John F Kennedy in 1963, with a brain wound.In the aftermath, Trump showed his indomitable spirit, raising his clenched fist and shouting, “FIGHT! FIGHT!. The dramatic mome... 

  • BookMaker.eu For Democrats, the first Presidential debate on Thursday, June 27, 2024, is a date that continues to be an earthquake with considerable fallout. For the first time since Barack Obama challenged presumptive favorite Hillary Clinton for the 2008 Democrat nomination, there is a split in the party which usually resembles North Korea in its conformity.Concurrently... 

  • BookMaker.eu For Democrats, Thursday, June 27, 2024, is a date that will live in infamy. In the presidential debate between incumbent Democrat Joe Biden and the former president, Republican challenger Donald Trump, all of the rules were set on Biden’s terms. Countless Republicans let out primal screams that Trump was a fool. They said that he totally capitulated to CNN and the left, but there I repeat myself. Everything was grooved for an easy Biden win. In fact, all Biden had to do was “cover the spread” and prove he could stand and talk coherently for 90 minutes. Even if Trump won on policy, Biden would be declared the winner by a “news” media that, in reality, is a perpetual infomercial for the Democrats and against Trump. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu The 2024 U.S. Presidential election is scheduled to be held in November and as of this writing, the two main candidates to win are former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. Trump is listed with U.S. Presidential odds near even money, while Biden’s betting odds are approaching +200. The only other person attracting substantial money is former first lady Michelle Obama and she isn’t even a candidate. Some people have speculated that Biden will announce at the Democratic Nation... 

  • BookMaker.eu U.S. Presidential odds are on the board right now at BookMaker. You can bet on who you think will become the next U.S. President as 2024 U.S. Presidential odds are posted. Even though the election will not be held for more than a year, you can bet on individual candidates right now and you can also bet on which party you think will win the Presidency. The current odds list incumbent President Joe Biden and Florida governor Ron DeSantis with similar odds of just over 2-1. Former President Donald ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Love him or hate him there has never been a presidential candidate like Donald Trump. And there never will be again. Trump, age 74, has proven once and for all to be the most energetic presidential candidate in American history. Over the past week Trump has barnstormed the United States of American with a relentless blitz. Crowds are packed with cars and lines backed up for miles. Gamblers are not oblivious to these scenes and sense that the late energy is with the president. The bigger question... 

  • BookMaker.eu Mercifully for all concerned the 2002 US Presidential election has only one week to go. Democrat Joe Biden has been bet up roughly 30 cents since Thursday’s final debate to win the election. Yet polls are showing that President Trump has gained strength in the so-called battle ground states such as Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and even Minnesota where the election will be decided. Much like was the case in 2016 when "journalists" all but guaranteed a Hillary Clinton victory the same can be said for Biden. Almost all conventional "wisdom" has him winning the election. Yet there have been some nervous tells from Democrats this week. Starting with Joe Biden himself. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden had a strong month of momentum in the eyes of gamblers but last week President Donald Trump found his voice and the line has begun to move back towards him as a result. Despite the “news” media’s best efforts to spike the story of Joe Biden’s son Hunter selling access to his father the word is out thanks to the aggressive messaging of President Trump. It is now apparent that Vice President Biden is corrupt to the core. Gamblers have noticed the focused cha... 

  • BookMaker.eu In 2016 Hillary Clinton suffered the biggest upset loss in the history of United States Presidential politics to Donald Trump. A major reason as to why was her arrogance. Clinton bragged she would throw coal miners out of work and refused to answer questions on her policies and questions of personal corruption. She came off as above the people and paid the ultimate price for it. Now Joe Biden is doing his best, or perhaps worst, imitation of Clinton. Last Saturday when asked whether or not the A... 

  • BookMaker.eu The news that President Donald Trump contracted the coronavirus was just the latest in the most insane year, especially political year, in modern United States history. As soon as Trump was admitted to the Walter Reed Hospital last Friday the 2020 US Presidential Election Odds were taken off the board. With the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court, a battered economy that is showing healthy signs of recovery, a vice presidential debate this week, two more presidenti... 

  • BookMaker.eu Just when you think the drama and ugliness of the 2020 Rot Gut Presidential Campaign couldn’t become any worse its about to double down in nastiness and hysteria instead. With the death of left wing icon and Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg the tilt of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. For conservative Republicans this is a golden opportunity to gain a supposed 6-3 advantage on the court. For liberal Democrats it’s the living nightmare they have long dreaded and foreseen... 

  • BookMaker.eu Could a Presidential election be decided on the basis of a college football conference having its season saved? Last week the Big Ten Conference reversed course and announced it would have a fall football season after all. This was a month after Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren stated that the Big Ten would not play and that the decision was irrevocable. What was the difference? Certainly, the breakthrough of quicker testing makes for a convenient excuse. So too did the threat of lawsuits make ... 

  • BookMaker.eu One of the great mysteries about President Donald Trump is how he consistently "steps in it."Gamblers and Trump supporters have both learned to never get too comfortable with the President. Last week is another classic example. Trump had gained around 75 cents on the betting lines over the past month. Then the story about Bob Woodward’s new book "Rage" about Trump exploded last week. Trump was interviewed 18 times by the "journalist" that made his fame in the early 1970’s Watergate scandal. Any ... 

  • BookMaker.eu In 2016 Donald Trump stunned the world with the biggest upset in the modern history of United States Presidential politics. A big part of that upset was his winning the state of Wisconsin. Before the 2016 election, the last time that Wisconsin went Republican was all the way back in 1988. 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton was so sure she would carry the Badger State that she didn’t bother to waddle in for even a single visit. Trump, on the other hand, campaigned throughout the state even as its Republican leaders avoided him like the plague. Trump’s efforts impressed Wisconsin voters much more than Clinton’s aloof arrogance. Trump won the state by a thin yet decisive margin. The result was a bellwether of what was to come. And of what could come again. Kenosha, Wisconsin is a normally quiet and working-class town a half hour south of Milwaukee. It’s not so quiet anymore. In fact, Kenosha could decide the 2020 Presidential election. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Whether or not President Donald Trump impressed enough voters at the 2020 Republican National Convention remains to be seen. One thing for sure is that he is impressing gamblers in a very big way. Trump has gone from a decided underdog to basically even and with momentum for his reelection fight against Democrat nominee Joe Biden. Trump and the Republicans put on a show with vastly superior optics compared to the dour Democrats Zoom meeting videos. As a result, the President has earned himself a... 

  • BookMaker.eu United States political tradition almost always shows a “bounce” in the polls for the party that just closed its annual four-year meeting. For the bizarre year of 2020 a new normal is the moniker for almost every endeavor. Following last week’s Democrat convention Joe Biden failed to impress gamblers. In fact, the former vice president dropped 10 cents in price compared to before the convention. Gamblers were wavering on Biden before the convention. Four days later they are even more skeptical. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Despite the hysterical media adulation over the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as the Democrat vice presidential nominee gamblers are not nearly as impressed. In fact, Donald Trump gained a dime when the selection was announced. Unlike a media that has become the publicity team for the Democrat ticket of presidential nominee Joe Biden and Harris, the wagering community is a much more objective group. Those who are handicapping the 2020 Presidential Election are well aware of Harris and her v... 

  • BookMaker.eu President Donald Trump has had enough. The Democrats overplayed their hand on a second stimulus package that was lit up like a Christmas Tree with a laundry list of items that had nothing to do with stimulus or unemployment relief. Instead of slamming his head against the far-left wall Trump took page one out of President Barack Obama’s playbook. To recall Obama, in his unbridled arrogance, sneered after he led the Democrats to a slaughter house landslide loss in the 2014 mid-term elections that he had “a phone and a pen.” The man that “esteemed” “Presidential Historian” Jon Macham proclaimed to be God on the cover of Newsweek twice spent much of his term issuing executive orders including the blatantly illegal DACA decision. ... 

  • BookMaker.eu One important factor in American politics that has stood the test of time is left-wing media bias. Such bias became more pronounced when Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President after defeating the forlorn Herbert Hoover at the depths of the Great Depression in 1932. Hoover had the roof cave in on him in 1929 and was never able to dig out. FDR was brilliant at building American morale and optimism even as his programs did little to actually move the needle. Yet the press became his biggest che... 

  • BookMaker.eu In this historic time of tumult and chaos the one thing that has been steady is the odds on the 2020 Presidential election. Presumptive Democrat nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, continues to be the betting favorite over incumbent President Donald Trump. However, in the so-called “Battleground States” the President is showing well and that is his path to ultimate victory. Remember it’s not the popular vote that counts but the electoral college. Trump’s stunning 2016 upset win was based o... 

  • BookMaker.eu Ironically enough at a time of constant instability, this has been one of the most stable periods on the board for the 2020 Presidential election. Perhaps gamblers have become fatigued with trying to outguess the next intangible that sends events into overdrive. What is most interesting about the current stability is that we are one week away from there being less than 100 days to the November 3 date of decision. With President Donald Trump that may as well be a thousand days. Trump makes news b... 

  • BookMaker.eu In the 2016 election Donald Trump pulled off the biggest upset since Super Bowl III when he defeated Hillary Clinton based on a campaign that, among other things, was adamantly opposed to illegal immigration. It was a full throated “America First” campaign on borders and the economy.Trump’s economy was doing fine until COVID-19. And he has cut down on illegal immigration. But the DACA issue is one that he has barked a lot about while being tepid in his actions. Now Trump is saying that he will s... 

  • BookMaker.eu Cancel culture is eating left and right alive. To many on the conservative side there is some naturally delicious irony in seeing politically correct virtue signaling “progressives” going through the same hell that they have put conservatives through over the past several years. Indeed, many leftists that may have thought of themselves as “bullet proof” have discovered that they are not. So, pardon some conservatives taking delight in their schadenfreude. Not that the right is getting any mercy ... 

  • BookMaker.eu Last week there were two contradictory polls that sum up the 2020 election to perfection. Presumptive Democrat nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, is seen by a majority of voters as a man suffering from the beginning stages of dementia. Despite that Biden has a double-digit lead in the polls over President Donald Trump. Just as bizarre is that all of the civil unrest ignited because of police brutality and racism that took place in cities run lock, stock, and barrel by Democrats for multip... 

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