Gamblers Not Initially Sold on Harris as Trump Continues Gains

August 17-21 US Elections Betting Coverage

Despite the hysterical media adulation over the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as the Democrat vice presidential nominee gamblers are not nearly as impressed. In fact, Donald Trump gained a dime when the selection was announced. Unlike a media that has become the publicity team for the Democrat ticket of presidential nominee Joe Biden and Harris, the wagering community is a much more objective group. Those who are handicapping the 2020 Presidential Election are well aware of Harris and her vulnerabilities. They are also noticing that Trump has slowly stopped the bleeding of June and July. Trump is a small underdog but gaining steadily in the eyes of the betting public.

2020 US Presidential Election Odds

Donald Trump +120

Joe Biden -139

2020 US Presidential Election:Tuesday, November 3, 2020

2020 US Presidential Election Odds Overview and Analysis

Over the past two weeks the betting odds have moved almost 30 cents towards President Trump. That is in spite of the constant drum beat of the “news” media. Harris was perhaps one of the worst picks that Biden could have made. She brings considerable negatives while offering little in the way of electoral assets. Trump also got good news on the economic front and landed an historic peace accord in the Middle East. While Biden is starting to be criticized for avoiding media questions.

The Donald Plays Trump Cards for Winning Week

The economic news was excellent for President Trump as jobless claims were down by over one million. Overall growth and retail sales were better than expected. The claims of momentum on economic recovery have proven to be true. Also, important has been the performance of the stock market which has recovered its losses from when the pandemic hit. Trump’s aggressive approach to fighting the economic threat of the coronavirus has paid off handsomely. He can correctly point out that his fundamentals for the economy prevented a catastrophic depression or worse. Trump’s elimination of regulation and flooding the market when it was needed most was the best medicine possible for an economy on the brink.

On the foreign policy front the swamp ridden “experts” have derided Trump’s unconventional approach to the region. Yet it was Trump who ended up winning a huge contrarian bet with a peace deal between the UAE and Israel. Only former President Richard Nixon has played that political minefield as well as Trump. The fact that Trump confounded “experts” that have accomplished nothing in the region further infuriates an establishment that is deranged over his success at going against the grain of their inept policies.

Hidin’ Biden Taking Heat

Joe Biden had a couple of campaign appearances to show off his politically correct vice-presidential nominee. But no questions were allowed at either event. Biden was sent back to the bunker by his handlers after a television interview with an African American reporter that was asked by Biden about getting tested for crack cocaine. That is because the reporter asked Biden if he was being tested for his cognitive ability. It was another example of crazy Uncle Joe coming out of his bunker much to the embarrassment and regret of the people that actually run him and his campaign.

An Empty Pant Suit

And then there is Kamala Harris, the unaccomplished senator from the one-party outlaw state of California. It’s not what Harris brings to the ticket but what she does not bring. First, she comes from a state the mindlessly votes for Democrats regardless of ability or performance. Biden could win California with a jackass on the ticket. Instead he picked a shrill woman that many see as a bully and phony.

Harris did nothing to fight the corruption of her bankrupted state as Attorney General. She admits to smoking pot even as she put away others for doing so. She also moved up the political ladder by having an affair with a married man twice her age. San Francisco mayor Willie Brown picked Harris for plum jobs she otherwise wouldn’t have gotten if not for putting a smile on his face.

Harris flopped in her run for the Democrat nomination a few months ago. She doesn’t wear well with voters.

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