2020 US Presidential Election – Biden Clinches as Trump Fights COVID-19

Joe-Mentum is what it was called regarding Tuesday night’s Democrat Primary sweep by former vice president Joe Biden, who has all but sewn up the nomination.

Avowed socialist Bernie Sanders has been fading badly down the stretch. The man that rails for a revolution has, for the second consecutive primary cycle, been unwilling to hammer his top opponent and all of his potential corruption, gaffes, failures, and weaknesses.

Recall that four years ago, Sanders also never took the fight to Hillary Clinton, who was a ripe target for all that Sanders rails against. As a matter of fact, he has cowered in the face of the Democrat Establishment and two of its ultimate insiders.

One wonders what the kids that bought into the Bernie charade think now. Perhaps they can research the fact that after Sanders endorsed Clinton in 2016, he landed a beachfront estate the very next day. As for Biden he will take his time evaluating vice presidential candidates while President Donald Trump fights the invisible war against COVID-19.

2020 United States Presidential Election Odds:

Donald Trump -180
Joe Biden +164
Bernie Sanders +1256

2020 Democrat Party Vice Presidential Nominee Betting Odds:

Kamala Harris 3/1
Amy Klobuchar 4/1
Stacey Abrams 5/1
Elizabeth Warren 10/1
Pete Buttigieg 16/1
Hillary Clinton 20/1
Michelle Obama 20/1
Julian Castro 25/1
Gretchen Whitmer 25/1
Tulsi Gabbard 33/1
Cory Booker 33/1
Bernie Sanders 40/1
Sherrod Brown/td> 50/1
Beto O'Rourke 50/1
Deval Patrick 50/1
Jay Inslee 50/1
Andrew Yang 50/1
Steve Bullock 50/1
John Hickenloope 66/1
Laura Kelly 66/1
Michael Bloomberg 50/1
James Mattis 100/1
Joe Biden 50/1

Trump vs. COVID-19

To his credit President Trump has been aggressive in his all out fight against the coronavirus. He has taken dramatic executive action with more to come. Massive relief packages have been passed with more on the way. Democrat governors such as Gavin Newsome of California and Andrew Cuomo of New York have been highly complimentary of the Trump Administration’s response.

That being said Trump is facing a vicious cycle. He admits a recession is likely as millions will be losing their jobs or even businesses over COVID-19. Restaurants and other gathering places have been shut down. The country has been told to stay home until further notice and nobody knows when the all-clear can be given, if it all.

Meanwhile the stock market has crashed in the worst manner since 1929. Millions of Americans have had their retirement savings decimated. It could take years to recover, if ever.

None of this is Trump’s fault and his strong economy before the crisis may well have cushioned the blow. But as the sitting President and with all of the “news” media and pop culture loathing him, he will get no breaks.

Beyond that the faces of too many Democrats have looked thrilled with this falling on Trump. They see the catastrophe as an opportunity that impeachment never was. COVID-19 could prove to be the dream silver bullet that the Democrats have been looking for to eliminate the President.

Biden Clinches

Joe Biden is going to be the Democrat nominee and a very flawed one at that. He became excessively wealthy as a career government “servant” and has numerous personal financial ties to China, who has been ripping off America for decades. Furthermore, Biden’s sons have become uber-rich working in the foreign oil industry despite having zero experience in that field.

Further, Biden has a checkered past of plagiarism, borderline racist comments, and having flopped badly in his first two attempts for the Presidency. But the Democrats pushed him past the finish line to thwart off the radical Sanders. Biden is seen as the candidate that has the best chance to win against Trump. He carries a myth of being likeable and moderate. A deeper look reveals that is not necessarily so. But he is the nominee. All told, COVID-19 may be his ultimate asset.

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