NFL Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show Betting Lines

Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show Betting

The Super Bowl Halftime Show has been one of the most exciting parts of the Super Bowl experience for the last two decades. Even non-sports fans tune in to see some of the top musical acts in the world, and this year’s spectacle will be no different. Everyone over 30 knows Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Eminem, and Mary J. Blige, and there is something for the younger crowd too with the inclusion of Kendrick Lamar. The trailer for the Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show currently has over 12 million views on YouTube, so it’s safe to say there is palpable excitement for what we will see in Los Angeles this Sunday.

NFL Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show Betting Odds

There are several bets to make on this year’s Super Bowl Halftime Show. We will stick with the basic bets when talking about this year’s festivities, but there are some truly off the wall bets that you can make on this event if you have the inclination.

Who Will Be the First Artist Shown During Halftime?

Currently, the favorite option here is for multiple artists to initially share the spotlight. That makes sense as Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre teamed up for multiple songs in the 1990s, and Eminem and Dr. Dre had several hits together in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

If you are looking to bet on an individual artist to take center stage first, Snoop Dogg is the slight favorite over Dr. Dre. Snoop Dogg is a little more associated with California than Dr. Dre, but Dr. Dre probably has the most value considering he is the oldest artist that will be in the halftime show. Additionally, Dr. Dre rose to prominence before any of the other performers that will be highlighted, and there is a track record of seeing halftime shows go in chronological order.

How Many Songs Will Be Played During the Halftime Show?

This could be a little tricky as we will see songs transition throughout the show, and there could be a mashup or two. In particular, Dr. Dre is known for his ability to make things flow as a producer, so that means we will likely hear more songs than we do during a usual halftime show. Also, since there are five separate artists that are headlining this event, we are likely to hear multiple songs out of most of the names.

Still, since there are only 12 to 14 minutes for the halftime show, the under might be a shrewd bet. We may only hear one song from Mary J. Blige and Kendrick Lamar, and there is a strong chance that we hear multiple duets as Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg had a huge hit with “California Love” and Eminem and Dr. Dre teamed up for several popular jams.

Will Mary J. Blige Show Cleavage During the Halftime Show?

This bet is on the board whenever there is a woman singing at the Super Bowl, so it’s no surprise to see it although Mary J. Blige is not known for wearing particularly revealing clothing. Other recent artists were a veritable slam dunk when it came to the “Yes” option for this specific prop, but it’s a bit more in the air for Blige. That makes the “No” option a solid play as a moderate underdog.

Which Song Will Be Played Last During the Halftime Show?

The favorite here is “California Love”, and that makes a lot of sense to close out the show. This year’s Super Bowl is at SoFi Stadium, and the song is still extremely popular 30 years later with it’s familiar hook and catchy lyrics. People in California still love this song, and the stadium will explode whenever “California Love” starts playing.

However, there is a decent chance that “The Next Episode” is the last song we hear during the halftime show. Not only does it make sense given the title, but the song specifically shouts out Inglewood in the lyrics, and that is the site of Super Bowl LVI.

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