Super Bowl LIX Futures Odds - NFL Betting Lines

NFL Super Bowl LIX Futures Odds

Following all of the hype and fireworks regarding the 2024 NFL Draft, the reality is that not much has changed. The San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs are favored to meet for the second consecutive season and for the third time in six years on Super Sunday. The defending Super Bowl champion Chiefs have won three Super Bowls since beating San Francisco in February 2020 for their first Super Bowl title in 50 years. Until proven otherwise, the Chiefs dynasty is going to be considered unbeatable by millions of gamblers, especially with quarterback Patrick Mahomes and head coach Andy Reid coming back in 2024. Following the Chiefs are the Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo Bills, Cincinnati Bengals, Detroit Lions, Philadelphia Eagles, and Dallas Cowboys as the top choices.

Let’s look at NFL future odds for Super Bowl LIX on Sunday, February 9, 2025.

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Super Bowl LIX will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2025, at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, LA. FOX will broadcast the game.

Super Bowl LIX Future Odds

Cardinals +15048 Falcons +2662 Ravens +1004
Bills +929 Panthers +38607 Bears +4218
Bengals +1396 Browns +3917 Cowboys +1743
Broncos +17072 Lions +1406 Packers +1959
Texans +1543 Colts +5523 Jaguars +4516
Chiefs +510 Raiders +10017 Chargers +3464
Rams +3255 Dolphins +2362 Vikings +7028
Patriots +20084 Saints +12046 Giants +12051
Jets +2506 Eagles +1666 Steelers +3314
49ers +612 Seahawks +7030 Buccaneers +8536
Titans +14559 Commanders +14059 -

The most interesting news in the offseason has come from a group of longshot teams.

The Denver Broncos and humiliated general manager George Paton gave up on their Russell Wilson experiment after mortgaging their future to acquire him for the 2022 season. Wilson was celebrated as a savior upon his arrival, but it turned out to be one of the biggest flops in NFL history. Head coach Sean Payton, a reputed QB guru, is excited about the possibilities that first round draft pick Bo Nix of Oregon will bring to the table. Already, numerous comparisons are being made between Nix and Payton’s record setting QB Drew Brees from his days as the HC of the New Orleans Saints. While that may seem absurd on the surface, the Broncos are thrilled to be rid of Wilson.

As for Wilson he has moved on to the Pittsburgh Steelers, who apparently are ready to give up on Kenny Pickett. Pickett is a product of the University of Pittsburgh and was celebrated, like Wilson, as a savior when he was drafted in the first round two years ago. Pickett has had to battle injuries, a mediocre supporting cast, and broken confidence.

The Steelers have been aggressive about surrounding Wilson with a better group and that must have Pickett wondering where was management’s helping hand for him.

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The biggest farce of the NFL Draft was the Atlanta Falcons taking Michael Penix Jr in the first round after they went to the trouble and expense of acquiring Kirk Cousins from the Minnesota Vikings to take over as the starter. Atlanta traded Desmond Ridder, their presumed QB of the future, to the Arizona Cardinals earlier in the offseason. The selection of Penix is seen as a catastrophic mistake.

Certainly coach Jason Brown of “Last Chance U” fame sees it that way, and he has a lot of good football reasoning for his beliefs.

Penix went eighth overall and may live to regret taking what Brown called an “older injury-prone quarterback who is a lefty.” Brown added, “There is no way you take a lefty anywhere towards the top.” Coach JB said that with the exceptions of famed legendary Hall of Fame lefties Steve Young and Ken Stabler, “Most of them have been busts.”

Brown detailed the reasons why it is difficult for left-handed quarterbacks and their teams to succeed. First, the ball spin is different from what receivers are used to with right-handed quarterbacks, which makes catches difficult. Additionally, there is the issue of the traditionally all-important and expensive left tackle position and the challenge of converting to the right side. Also, football is a right-hand-dominant sport. With a left-handed quarterback, play calling has to be the opposite of what it is for a right-handed quarterback, thus throwing everyone off what they are used to. These challenges are particularly pronounced in misdirection, counter, influence, and reverse plays.

Equally stupid in the eyes of Brown was the Chicago Bears trading Justin Fields after only three seasons and taking the controversial Caleb Williams first overall. Coach JB said that the decisions were based on Chicago general manager Ryan Poles’s desire to preserve three more years of job security with a QB reboot.

Brown said it was foolish to trade a QB with three years of “live ammo” experience. Coach JB added it was wrong to pick a raw rookie to start the rebuilding process over with the same team. Brown would have kept Fields and continued to build around him.

Brown has been a strong critic of Williams and has doubts about the USC product’s ability to “lead men.”

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