The Amazing Race Odds To Win - Salt That Sand

By  Vinnie Penn

Friday, April 29th, 2016


Last time around the teams received a snake and had to take said snake to the appropriately named Snake Temple . Sheri, Cole, Brodie and Kurt were the first two pairs to tackle this challenge and they got hopelessly lost looking for the temple. This created quite the traffic jam in the form of the next two teams, Tyler and Korey and Burnie and Ashley.

They all ended up sticking together, all the way to the location of the next destination, the Roadblock. The teams had to help "farm" the famous Bali salt, hence this most recent episode's mercurial title.

The designated team member had to grab two buckets full of ocean water and then throw that water all over a plot of sand. Once the sand was soaked thoroughly, the teams had to go over to a coconut trough and scrap salt out of the trough.

When Zach and Rachel arrived at the Roadblock, not realizing what the challenge entails, Rachel was chosen. Rough development.

From the Roadblock the teams headed to... another Roadblock. At this one, they had to build a gigantic kite on the beach. This being the second Roadblock of the leg, the person who completed the previous Roadblock had to sit out and their partner had to step up.

This meant Brodie had to build the kite for Kurt, and Zach had to take over kite building duties for Rachel. this is usually the tipping point on "Race." Either the team rises to the challenge - minus one player - or crumbles under the pressure. We've seen it time and again.

As Brodie whined about the fact that no one showed him how to start building the kite, Zach made up a lot of time. Brodie began cheating off the other contestant's kites.

Eventually, it was just Zach and Brodie left on the beach. Brodie somehow finished his kite just seconds before Zach. This meant that it was neck and neck between these two for last place. The Pit Stop for this leg was a boat out in the water. The teams had to paddle out to the big boat in a smaller boat with a sail. It was a race that Zach and Rachel have no chance of winning.

Zach and Rachel puts up a valiant fight but in the end they lost to the screaming pair of bros. Zach and Rachel were eliminated from the race.

Brodie is this season's contestant who manages to stay in the titular race, even though it looks week in and week out like he'll be the one to get ejected. Typically, this cast-member doesn't wind up winning, but it's happened enough times to keep an eye on him.

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