Odds Converter Tool

Enter the odds in any format and click Convert:

Fractional Odds: Decimal Odds: Moneyline Odds:
(eg 1/5) (eg 1.20) (eg -500)

Odds Conversion Chart

1/5 1.20 -500
2/7 1.28 -350
7/20 1.35 -285.70
4/9 1.44 -225
1/2 1.50 -200
3/5 1.60 -166.70
4/6 1.66 -150
4/5 1.80 -125
10/11 1.91 -110
21/20 2.05 +105
5/4 2.25 +125
7/5 2.40 +140
13/8 2.63 +162.50
9/5 2.80 +180
2/1 3.00 +200
11/5 3.20 +220
95/40 3.38 +237.50
13/5 3.60 +260
3/1 4.00 +300
7/2 4.50 +350
9/2 5.50 +450
6/1 7.00 +600
15/2 8.50 +750
9/1 10.00 +900
2/9 1.22 -450
3/10 1.30 -333.30
4/11 1.36 -275
9/20 1.45 -222.20
8/15 1.53 -187.50
8/13 1.62 -162.50
7/10 1.70 -142.90
5/6 1.83 -120
20/21 1.95 -105
11/10 2.10 +110
13/10 2.30 +130
6/4 2.50 +150
17/10 2.70 +170
15/8 2.88 +187.50
21/10 3.10 +210
9/4 3.25 +225
12/5 3.40 +240
11/4 3.75 +275
16/5 4.20 +320
18/5 4.60 +360
5/1 6.00 +500
13/2 7.50 +650
8/1 9.00 +800
10/1 11.00 +1000
1/4 1.25 -400
1/3 1.33 -300
2/5 1.40 -250
40/85 1.47 -212.50
4/7 1.57 -175
5/8 1.63 -160
8/11 1.72 -137.50
9/10 1.90 -111.10
1/1 2.00 -100
6/5 2.20 +120
11/8 2.38 +137.50
8/5 2.60 +160
7/4 2.75 +175
19/10 2.90 +190
85/40 3.13 +212.50
23/10 3.30 +230
5/2 3.50 +250
14/5 3.80 +280
10/3 4.33 +333.30
4/1 5.00 +400
11/2 6.50 +550
7/1 8.00 +700
17/2 9.50 +850
50/1 51.00 +5000

Moneyline Odds. (Also known as American)

  • Used by most US bookmakers.
  • Based on a straight single bet without a points spread.
  • If the moneyline is positive, the amount quoted is the amount you would win on a $100 bet.
  • If the moneyline is negative, the amount quoted is what you would need to risk to win $100.

Fractional Odds. (Also known as Traditional or British)

  • Used mainly by UK. bookmakers.
  • Based on the amount of profit relative to your stake if you win.
  • For example, if you bet $100 at odds of 3/1, you receive $300 profit if you win, plus your stake of $100 back.

Decimal Odds. (Also known as European)

  • Used by most European bookmakers.
  • Shows the total amount you will receive if you win, including the return of your stake.
  • For example, if you bet $100 at odds of 3.75, you will receive $375 in total if you win.
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