The Bachelor Odds To Win - Lace's Exit

By  Vinnie Penn

Thursday, January 21st, 2016


The episode started with Lauren B. going on a one-on-one date with Ben. Ben took flight attendant Lauren B. on a date … on a biplane? Yes, he took her on a date to her job. Where do they find these guys?

Ben called the biplane “a magic-carpet ride" in that "aw, shucks" ABC's "The Bachelor" way, and then they went on a hot-tub date in the desert. In that...well...ABC's "The Bachelor" way. Lauren B. got a rose.

Then there was Caila just bursting into tears. Caila was simply having a conversation back at the house when she started crying because she loves Ben so much already and her heart was broken that he’s going on dates. Guys love this kind of stuff.

And the group date, where Amanda, Haley, Jennifer, Shushanna, Leah, Amber, Lauren H., Olivia, Jami, Lace, Rachel, and Emily competed in a soccer camp.

Everyone was hysterically uncoordinated, some even intentionally.

The hopefuls were split into two teams and forced to compete for Ben’s affections. The stars and the stripes faced off. Unemployed Rachel took a dive to gain sympathy from Ben.

The Stripes headed to a hotel with Ben, and they all turned on Olivia, teasing her about her "fat toes." Olivia stole Ben from every single woman on the group date, but Ben gave the group rose to the beguiling Amber.

Then came Jubilee’s one-on-one date. She playfully spit out caviar and smoked salmon, and Ben thought she was hilarious. Jubilee called Ben “a white boy” to test out his sense of humor, and he laughed. Ben and Jubilee made out in a hot tub, and at dinner, and then he gave her a rose.

Back at the house, everyone is stunned that Jubilee got a rose. Lauren H. actually said that she can’t imagine Jubilee bonding with the other soccer moms in Ben’s future.

Ben got a phone call before the cocktail party that there have been some deaths in his family and his community. In an effort to actually make Ben feel better, Jubilee took him aside to give him a massage, and Amber tried to set a trap for Jubilee. The plan backfired and drove Jubilee further into Ben’s arms.

Lace abruptly sent herself home just in time for the Rose Ceremony. Lauren H., Amanda, Becca, Haley, Emily, Rachel, Caila, Jojo, Jennifer, Leah, and Olivia all got roses. Jami left in a huff, saying she’s going to start adopting cats.

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