Big Brother 17 Season Odds to Win on CBS; A Defacto Austin Victory

By  Vinnie Penn

Monday, August 31st, 2015


"Big Brother" is nearing its final stretch, and it could come a little quicker, if you ask me. This past week kicked off with possibly the most boring Head of Household competition of all time. Everyone had to line up along a track starting line. There were two buttons on the ground for your hands and one on a foot pedal for your feet. Once you pressed these down, you weren’t allowed to let go of any of them or you’d be disqualified. Then, you’d look at a screen and wait for it to say “Ready, Set, Go” - except, instead of “Go” different words would flash that rhyme with “Go.” Like “Blow” and "Row." Ya know?

Once “Go” went off, everyone had to run, and the first one to hit a buzzer something like twenty feet away would win. Last person to hit it would be eliminated. The problem was that half of everyone competing let go of a button so it was mostly all false-starts. In the end, Austin won.

Speaking of Austin: I suspect that if/when Austin gets eliminated, Julie’s going to hit him with some girlfriend Q&A. There is, and has been, something quite elusive about him all season.

James’s pranks continue to be a highlight of the show. If he gets eliminated, I don’t know what they would fill all that airtime with…? Somehow, he and Meg have managed to stick around this far into the game.

Meg is entertaining these days, but you're always left wondering just how much of a true threat she is. The veto competition this week involved recognizing features from the houseguests’ faces. Meg, who has yet to win a comp, got stuck on her own nose. Still, don’t be shocked if Meg slips by until late in the game and then happens to find her comp and wins one.

At this point, everyone has had alliances with each other and they’ve mostly all been broken, and promptly backstabbed. Curiously, nobody has made a move on Austin and the twins. They’re the only group that has remained loyal to each other.

Normally, a two-person alliance is dangerous this late in the game, and here they are with three people. And their names are not even being mentioned. Rather, everyone is talking about Vanessa.

The key, I think, would be to go after Liz. Julia and Austin don’t exactly get along. You take out Liz, and you go from a three-person alliance to two-people who may or may not go elsewhere.

Johnny Mac is reportedly looking to take out Meg if he gets back in the game. But will he? I think so.

Yep - My money is on John to win the competition to get back into the house (even though I'd prefer to see Jackie pull this off). Shelli has a good chance, too. Becky, not so much. Furthermore, any one of these four would easily go after Vanessa, Austin, Liza and Julia if they got back into the house, too.

Steve had a quiet week. Could he be plotting, or playing it cool - or both?

Head of Household and Jury member back in the house will be on Sunday. Veto on Wednesday. Double eviction next Thursday! Let's get there.

Big Brother 17 odds for this Wednesday’s episode on CBS were first released by BookMaker. Cash in on futures odds to win the award-winning reality TV show by opening an account at BookMaker now! Now you can wager live while the episode unfolds with BookMaker's live betting option.

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