Ahq e-Sports Club Team Preview


Ahq e-Sports have been unable to best Flash Wolves in recent years, getting knocked out by the four-time LMS champions in each of the last four seasons. Still, they continue to qualify thanks to points, just like they did this season.

In their past three World Championships, ahq e-Sports have went 3-3 in the Group Stage, and that was good enough to get them to the Quarterfinals back in 2015. This year, 3-3 would be considered an incredible feat in a group with SK Telecom T1, Edward Gaming, and Cloud9.

Opening Betting Odds to Win 2017 League of Legends World Championship

Ahq e-Sports Club +15000

Top Lane

Ziv has been the top laner for ahq e-Sports for three years now. He started his professional career as a jungler, but quickly found that he was better suited for a role in the top lane.

He was named the best top laner in the LMS by a wide margin this year and people around the region talk about his attack-oriented style. It is well outside the norm for most top laners around the world, and might throw teams for a loop here at Worlds. His most popular picks this summer were Kled, Camille, Renekton, Gnar, and Jarvan IV, and rarely plays a team fighting champion.


Mountain has been with ahq for just as long as Ziv. However, his play has not been as consistent.

His two favorite champions to play this past summer were Gragas and Elise, two champions that you have to play very differently. While Elise is a carry jungler who you rely on to win the early game, Gragas is a team-based jungler who uses his ultimate to initiate picks.

The versatility he displays comes in handy though as ahq is one of the two teams in the world with a fluid situation in the mid lane.

Mid Lane

It’s very likely that ahq will juggle Chawy and Westdoor in the mid lane at Worlds and these two both have different roles in the team comp.

Chawy is the starter heading into Worlds and will get first crack at the role. He only played seven games in the Summer Split, but was the team’s mid laner for most of the playoffs. His favorite champion is Orianna, so look for him to hop on that if he can. Chawy is a more passive mid laner than his counterpart and when he is playing, Mountain is much more active in the mid lane.

If ahq decides to adopt a strategy where they want an assassin in the mid lane, Westdoor will likely be the pick. He has had a long career of playing carry champions and would relish the opportunity to take on some of the best mid laners in the world. When he plays, ahq will try to get him ahead in his lane in the hope that he can snowball his advantage.

AD Carry

AN took some time playing in the mid lane and jungle before settling into his role as the AD Carry for ahq, and has been one of the best at his trade in Taiwan.

He is skilled on Kalista, a strong laner, and Tristana, a hypercarry. However, don’t be surprised if he turns heads here by playing an off-meta pick like Jinx or Urgot.


Albis rounds out ahq’s roster and is well-suited for the current meta. He has been very good on Thresh and Rahan and has also dabbled with Taric and Janna. He only posted a scant 3.2 KDA in the Summer Split, mostly due to repeated failures on Tahm Kench, but is a solid support.


Even though ahq seems to always outperform expectations at Worlds, it’s hard to predict anything but a last-place finish in Group A. While ahq might be able to get a game or two off of Cloud9, it doesn’t stand much of a chance against either Edward Gaming or SK Telecom T1.

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